Mesotherapy scalp
You have a noticeable and persistent hair loss, thin and brittle hair, loss of hair density, we can help before it’s too late.

Scalp ages as well as the rest of the body and the degeneration of the hair follicle can be treated effectively through a combination of mesotherapy and LED (PDT).
Hair loss in men as in women is considered traumatic. The management still requires a search for the cause. If there are no obvious causes found, this is a hair loss due to aging of the follicle which can then be treated with mesotherapy. The latter uses a multi-vitamin complex injected into areas with a scarcity of hair. (areas of alopecia). We associate, immediately after the injections, an LED session that will stimulate hair growth by acting on different cells thus promoting hair growth.
One session every 7 days for 2 months, then 1 session every 15 days on 2nd and 3rd month and then 1 time a month or every two months if you want to keep the results.

Need information? Do you make an appointment?
Contact us via our form or directly by phone. We will respond as soon as possible.
Office Doctor Patrice Piquemal
Résidences du Port
23 Rue du 11 Novembre 1918 – Entrée A
83990 Saint-Tropez
Var, France
Desk : +33 (0)4 94 54 89 04
Cell : +33 (0)6 19 51 08 12
To park in Saint-Tropez: we recommend le parking du Port
Docteur patrice piquemal
23 Rue du 11 Novembre 1918, 83990 Saint-Tropez
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Graphic artist : Jimmy Phan – Webdesigner : Camel Design